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Prof. ELSAYED HASSAN Mohamed MUSTAFA GADO :: Publications:

الاثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لاستخدام المياه المتباينة فى الزراعة المصرية
Authors: Saeed Abbas Mohammed Rashad;El sayed Hassan Mohmmed Gado; Madlen Makram Wilson Abd El Maseeh
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
Pages: 473– 486
Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture - Benha Unversity
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper ELSAYED HASSAN Mohamed MUSTAFA GADO_02.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Water is one of the key determinants of the development of agriculture is the main user especially in developing countries for water, if the water available was now sufficient current which uses it with the population growth and the need to increase the reclaimed land and the target in the future plan, the greatest challenge is to minimize necessary to meet the increase of water resources the demand for water in the future to accelerate development the problem of the study is that despite the limited supply of different quality water resources, but the efficiency of their use are low to a large extent which limits the effectiveness of the possibility of reclaiming more land in the future and the trend in the use and exploitation of resources available best use which limits the agricultural sector's ability to achieve growth and high rates as well as wasteful clear in the use of water in the Egyptian agricultural sector in general and in Zmamat the beginning and the middle of canals province of Qaliubiya, in particular, which indicates a decrease in economic productivity and efficiency of agricultural land in Qalyoubia. The results of the estimate statistical functions crop production into the field study better to use production Cobb Douglas function, it turns affecting crop productivity under study using disparate water variables difference, and the results showed appreciation statistical functions crop costs under study using disparate water differing civil size of the costs of using disparate water it turned out that the majority of farmers are making this size, also show increased production costs and civil size using the irrigation system of freshwater in cultivation of maize peers and increase civil production costs by using fresh water in the rice cultivation peers irrigation system size. As I explained the results of economic efficiency indicators outweigh maize cultivation using fresh water compared to peers using disparate water, higher than rice cultivation using fresh water compared to peers using disparate water, in all the centers a sample survey, it indicated value ((f calculated in a significant difference statistically. And the study recommends the following: The need to rationalize the amount of water used to irrigate crops actually studied to raise the economic value of the resource water to increase its contribution to the value of agricultural production. Expanding the use of groundwater next to fresh water, where is the reserve to Egypt with an important strategic value of current and future water resources and taking into account the safe withdrawal rate and economic with the monitoring and follow up with the competent authority. Expansion of water management at various levels and work on water management component of optimal management. Mainstreaming means of reducing water losses and work to reduce the wasteful use of water. The need to take into account the construction of data on the economic value of irrigation water base. Improve agricultural drainage water quality by processing directly from the main banks or major banks addressed before mixing it with fresh water and prevent the mixing of sewage or industrial water.

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