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Prof. ELSAYED HASSAN Mohamed MUSTAFA GADO :: Publications:

دراسة إقتصادية للتجارة الخارجية للأسمدة النيتروجينية فى مصر
Authors: Gado, E H. M.;Ghada S. A. Mahdy and Shahira M. Reda
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: J. Agric. Econom. and Social Sci., Mansoura Univ
Volume: 6
Issue: 11
Pages: 1751 - 1765
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper ELSAYED HASSAN Mohamed MUSTAFA GADO_12.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

During the study period (1990-2010), the study showed that the trade balance of nitrogen fertilizers in Egypt, has achieved an annual deficit equivalent to 21.7 million dollars in the first study period and equal to about 36.64 million in the second period. As can be seen that the rate of access to the exports of nitrogenous fertilizers, the Egyptian equivalent of about (-1.63), (1.43) annual average for the periods respectively. As evidenced by the presence of competitive positive For Egypt in the export of nitrogenous fertilizers, due to the low level of its export price for the right one. The study also showed increasing annual growth rate of the value of Egyptian exports of nitrogenous fertilizers, where the average annual increasing rate about 18.05 % of the average value of exports of nitrogenous fertilizers. At the same time the annual growth rate achieved in the value of Egyptian imports of nitrogenous fertilizers increased annually amounted to about 8.76 % of the average value of imports of Egyptian fertilizer nitrogen. That the quantities of Egyptian imports of fertilizer nitrogen, has achieved an annual average of the growth about 4.73% of the average amount of Egyptian imports of this type of fertilizer, and .. the annual growth rate in the amount of Egyptian exports of nitrogenous fertilizers has made a jump of about 2.67 % of the average quantities of Egyptian exports of nitrogenous fertilizers. Recommendations: 1-Increase domestic production of nitrogenous fertilizers through the establishment of new plants, and new technological ways of production. 2-The need for fertilizer needs assessment every five years at the level of the Republic so as to provide the largest amount of production for export to abroad.

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