Carbapenems are among the best choices for treatment of infectionscaused by multidrug resistant Gram-negative rods
In recent years, Egypthas been considered among the countries that reported high rates of antimicrobial resistance
(Zafer et al., 2014)
.The occurrence of a Mβ-positive isolate in a hospital settingrepresents a therapeutic problem, as !ell as a serious concern for infection control management. The accurate identification and reportingof Mβ-producing
P. aeruginosa
!ill aid infection control practitioners in preventing the spread of these multidrug-resistant isolates
(Arunagiri et al., 2012)
.This study aimed to evaluate IM"- E#T$ C#T and IM"- E#T$##%T as phenotypic screening methods for Mβ detection in isolatedstrains of
, detection of Mβ genes in those isolates andformulation of antibiotic policy for treatment of infections by Mβ producing
.In this study a total number of &&' different samples !ere collectedfrom patients from (enha )niversity *ospital and (enha Teaching*ospital and +''
strains ./0 !ere recovered fromthem.The isolated
P. aeruginosa
strains !ere sub1ected to2 +0$ntibiotic susceptibility by disc diffusion test.&0Mβ detection by both2a0 "henotypic method2 by both IM"- E#T$ C#T and IM"-E#T$ ##%T. b0 Genotypic method2 by multiple3 "C4
6-Summary and Conclusion
The present study revealed that2 5ut of +''
isolates, & strains &/0 !ere imipenemresistant and + strains of them 6'/0 !ere carrying genes responsiblefor Mβ production +/ of the total number of
0. Thirteenstrains +7/0 !ere carrying
gene !hile t!o strains &/0 !erecarrying both
genes together.
genes!ere not detected. 8one of the imipenem sensitive strains !ere carryinggenes of Mβ production.IM"- E#T$ C#T !as found to be more sensitive 97.7/0 than IM"-E#T$ ##%T 66.:/0. The specificity of both tests !as +''/ in relationto the gold standard "C4. 8early all
strains !ere resistant to cefota3im,cefotria3one, cefopera;one, cefta;idime, cefepime and amo3icillinclavulanic acid !hile all strains !ere sensitive to colistin and polymy3in(. 8early all Mβ producers !ere resistant to most antibiotics used!hile +''/ of them !ere fully sensitive to colistin and polymy3in (.There !as insignificant relation bet!een Mβ production and each of patient age, patient se3 and site of infection.There !as significant decrease in the number of Mβ positive cases inshort periods of hospitali;ation. β-lactam antibiotic inta |