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Prof. Amany Farouk Mohamed El Fakahany :: Publications:

Serum immunoglobulin and complement values in scabietic patients. J.Egypt.Soc.Parasitol.,23(1):221-229.
Authors: T.Morsi, M.Kenawi, H.Zohdi, A.F.EL Fakahany, K.Fetouh
Year: 1993
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Immunity entails all the forces concerned with recognition, specific reaction and removal of foreign bodies after they again access into the body of the host. The immune system interacts with genetics and infectious agents as well as with metabolic, endocrine and environmental factors. The serum immunoglobulins (G.M.A. & E.) and complement (C3 and C4 were estimated in sixteen parasitologically proven patients with scabies. The causative agent was Sarcoptes scabiei. The results showed a high significant increase in the mean average of IgG., 1gM. and particular IgE pretreatment than in patients three months after treatment and in patients after treatment than in controls. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in the mean average of IgA after treatment was insignificant com pared with controls. The C3 and C4. showed no significant changes in pared with controls. The C3 and C4 showed no significant changes in the mean average in the patients before or after treatment compared with controls. The changes in the IgG ,1gM. and in particular IgE. may be specific reaction to the parasite or a non specific one.

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