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Ass. Lect. amany adel ahmed khalil el-gazar :: Publications:

Wood furniture supplements and influenced by modern art schools
Authors: أ.د محمود كامل السيد د . رحاب عبد الستار أحمد خليل أستاذ أشغال الخشب ورئيس قسم مدرس أشغال الخشب الأشغال الفنية والتراث الشعبى ووكيل كلية التربية النوعية- جامعة بنها كلية التربية الفنية سابقا- جامعة حلوان د/أمانى عادل
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper amany adel ahmed khalil el-gazar_Amany Adel Ahmed_research pdf.pdf
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The subject of the research " Wood furniture supplements and influenced by modern art schools" This research included the following: - The problem of research, its importance, objectives, hypotheses and research limits - The research methodology included: • First: The theoretical framework: - History of the additions of wooden furniture through the historical ages. - Study of the selection of wooden furniture supplements in modern artistic trends. - Studying the modern technical trends, especially the experimental and adaptive school and their role in the development of modern wood furniture supplements. - Studying technical techniques and industrial assets used in the implementation of wooden furniture supplements. - The study of creativity and its impact and its association with wood furniture supplements. • Second: Practical Framework: - Dependence on what the student in the results in the framework of the theory of self-application with the aim of reaching innovative solutions in the construction of a wooden furniture supplement depends on: - • Applications carried out by the study to take advantage of the technical values ​​of wooden furniture supplements to find out the most important technical and technical methods and to benefit from them in the production of contemporary woodworking. • Taking advantage of the directions of the experimental and adaptive school in the work of supplemental wooden furniture contemporary enrich the field of woodwork. • Characterization and analysis of the self-study findings of the study to verify the validity of the research. - Search results and recommendations. - References.

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