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Prof. Amany Mohamd Salem :: Publications:

Depletion of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Congeners in Fresh Mugil cephelus andSardineFish after Its Exposure to Different Cooking Treatments
Authors: Amani M. Salem and Amal M. Eid
Year: 2011
Keywords: PCBs Fish Tissue Frying Grilling
Journal: World Applied Sciences Journal
Volume: 15
Issue: 12
Pages: 6
Publisher: IDOSI Publications
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amany Mohamd Salem_1.pdf
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Fresh Mugil cephelusand Sardinefish samples (15 of each) were randomly collected from different markets at Gharbia governorate. Samples were used for evaluation of percentage of polychlorinated biphenyl's congener's depletion by the ordinary cooking methods used in grillrooms and houses on the existed PCBs 52, 44, 70, 101 and 180 were 5.5, 80.1±6.46, 4.8±0.58, 2.3±0.11 and 86.4±13.39 ng g , respectively, in examined fish 1 samples. Results revealed that the decrease in the estimated congeners were 100, 100, 61.6, 100 and 87.2 % for examinedMugil cephelusfish samples after cooking by frying and were 100, 81.1, 71.3, 20.4 and 41.3 % for samples cooked by grilling, whereas for Sardinethe mean value of the same existed contaminants were 8.6±0.30, 17.8±1.51, 6.8±0.48, 6.6±0.51 and 116.9±68.7 ng g , respectively and the reduction % were 100, 71.7, 13.6, 100 1 and 87.4 for fried samples while for grilled one the percentage were 37.1,100, 46.5, 100 and 86.5%. Fresh and cooked fish were analyzed to detect 10 PCBs congeners with a mean value using Gas Chromatography and the most abundant percentage of PCBs congeners' residue in the analyzed fresh fish samples followed the following descending order 70 and 180 > 101> 44 > 52.It was concluded that cooking has potential significant decrease PCBs concentration in fish tissues. The decrease was observed to be ranged from 13.6 to 100%.

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