(1) Introduction
The motivation, importance and aim of the study: there are
many types of disabilities including mental, hearing hinetic,
emotional and visual disabilities. And the numbers of the visually
impaired individuals have increased recently. The visual
impairment reduces the experiences gained by the blind person
about the world he lives in, relative to the sighted one. As a result
of this disability, he perceives the sensations that come only from
the senses of touch, hearing taste and smell. So he depends on
touch to conceive size and shape, and there is a big difference
between sense of vision and sense of touch in this context,
because what the eye can see surpasses what the sense of touch
can achieve greatly, besides, touch can not conceive distances
like the eye the blind person can estimate distances by hearing
through linking it with the source of sound, but he can not realize
the nature of that source. Finally, the blind person can identify
the places through the smell sense if they were related with
certain smells. Then the blind person is lessble than the sighed
one in the cognition field because of lack of experiences he has,
either quantities very or qualitatively.
Children are very important in our life, and childhood is
the means for progress and it is of great importance of the
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development of every individual. So children's right and sound
rearing is not an easy task, as child hood is the most vulnerable
stage of life, and in it, type of personality is determined. And
childhood represents the basis for constructing the human
personality (Hesham El-Khdy, 2007:5).
(2) The problem of the study
The problem of the present study stemmed from researcher
is observation of some blind children white learning at Al Noor
elementary school for blind at Benha some fields like literature,
art, sport and music. Through conversation with one blind
children it was evident that he has innovative skills in literature,
as he can weave a story from his imagination once he hears any
idea or problem. Another child was innovative in music, he was
able to compose a music track by himself. Also the research
found that music class was the most preferred by blind children.
Blind students were affected by parental treatment; some of them
suffered from academic retardation, but on the other hand, the
studies who enjoyed a good deal of parental kindness and
familial warmth; showed observed progress and success in their
education. The students whoever, treated with violence and
harshness, suffered from anxiety, fear and stress, etc. the
researcher concluded from interviewing parents of blind children
that they actually use encouragement styles, and provide all
physical and abstract potentials to raise their intelligence and
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development. There are some parents who use pressure and
rigidity with their child, and that leads to stress, fear and anxiety
from the part of the blind child. So the researcher thought of the
next main question is there a relationship between parental
treatment styles as perceived by the blind child and some
psychological variables?
There are secondary questions that branch from this main
1. Is there a relationship between parental treatment styles
and the blind children's intelligence level?
2. Is there a relationship between parental treatment styles
and the blind children's anxiety level?
3. Is there a relationship between parental treatment styles
and blind children's self-concept?
(3) The aim of the study
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between
parental treatment styles as perceived by the blind child, and its
relation with some psychological variables among a sample of
blind children, and from this primary aim stem some secondary
1. Exploring the relationship between blind children's anxiety
and their perceived parental treatment styles.
2. Exploring the relationship between deaf child's
intelligence and parental treatment styles.
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3. Exploring the relationship between blind child's selfconcept
and parental treatment styles.
(4) The significance of the study:
A. The study gains its significance from its subject, which is
parental treatment styles as perceived by the blind child, and
their relationship with some psychological variables.
B. This study highlights parental treatment styles as perceived by
the blind children, since they perceive them differently.
C. Upbringing is considered the basis for children's behavior and
personality characteristics. Social adjustment is a result of some
psychological variables, such as anxiety, intelligence, and self-concept.
The significance of the study includes two aspects:
1. The theoretical significance: the present study sheds light
on parental treatment styles of blind children, which have a
relationship with some psychological variables like
anxiety, intelligence decrease ad self-concept disturbance,
in blind children. It is observed that these problems stem
from wrong up bringing styles, as family has a great
influence on child personality. Also this study investigates
an important stage of development, which is childhood. In
this stage the child's personality is shaped and he learns
communication methods with others. There is strong
correlation between family cultural level and children
treatment, specially blind ares.
2. Practical significance:
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a. The results of this study may be useful for presenting
many recommendations to guide parents about positive
attitudes which should be applied in childhood
b. The blind children's agencies and schools should
provide all potentials, and should try to integrate them
in society activities, with their sighted peers, in order
that they don't feel different or less efficient.
c. Given the high numbers of the blind people in developing
countries according to statistics, there should increased care
of them.
(5) Terms of the study
1. Parental treatment styles as perceived by the blind child: the
positive and negative methods that parents practice with their
children in different life sitations, and try to implant them in
their souls, to adher to customs and traditions of society
(Hanan As'ad Mohammed Khokh, 2002, p. 37).
They are defined procedurally as: a group of different styles
and methods, which parents use in all their activities and
attempts to teach their children values, customs and traditions,
and also all mental and conceptual skills.
2. Self-concept: it is an organized, united and acquired
conceptual conceptual structure of perceptions and
evaluations related to the self, that the individual constructs
and considers it a psychological definition (Adel Ez Edeen Al
Ashwal, 1984, p 5).
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(6) Limitation of the study
* Sample: study sample included (65), (33) boys and (32) girls
from Al Noor schools for blind students at Benha and
Zagazeeq, their ages range from 9 to 12 (means 10.5).
* Instruments: the researcher used the following instrument:
1. Parental treatment styles as perceived by blind children measure
(prepared by/Ayman Al/Sayed Mohammed Shehata, 2006).
2. Blind child Anxiety scale (prepared by/ Reda Al-Koroly,
3. Intelligence test for the blind in the three stages (primarypreparatory,
secondary) (prepared by/ Farooq Ali Mossa,
4. Self concept scale for blind child.