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Prof. Amal Ahmed Hassan omran :: Publications:

Assessment of knowledge and practice of woman toward minor discomfort during the period of pregnancy. published thesis at the Egyptian Medical Journal NO2,VOL40,Ferbruary 2009.
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Year: 2009
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Aim of the study was to asses the knowledge and practice of women toward minor discomforts during the period of pregnancy. Type of the study : was descriptive study . Setting: Ante-natal out patient clinic at Benha University Hospital Research question What are knowledge and practices of women toward minor discomforts during the period of pregnancy ? Subjects and methods: simple random sample, was collected randomly from l in a period of six months, three days per week and started from July 2006 until December 2006 and the total number was 150 pregnant women for three trimesters , 50 pregnant women for each trimester, tool for data collection was structured interviewing questionnaire. Result: The present study indicated that 64% of subjects were housewives, 52.6% had moderate educations. The present study also indicated the highest level of minor discomforts during first trimesters were fatigue 92% and nausea & vomiting 88% during second trimester were hemorrhoids 84%, backache 76%, and faintness & dizziness 70% during 3rd trimester were backache 84%, hemorrhoids & heart burn 76%, leg cramp & dyspnea 74% 24% concerning knowledge as reported by women about minor discomforts. The study indicated that 40% of sample had poor knowledge at 1st trimester while 42% of sample had good knowledge at 2nd trimester followed by 3rd trimester. This study also indicated that the highest level of practices 59% to relieve minor discomforts during 2nd trimester followed by 3rd trimester 56.9% and 1st trimester 55% practices that performed to relieve fatigue is assistance of husband in house working. The practice to relieve hemorrhoids is to increase vegetables rich with fiber and the practice to relieve backache is to use proper body mechanics.. Conclusion: There are significant differences among three trimesters as regarding level of minor discomforts. The mean level of minor discomforts during first trimester (63.6  16.8) is higher than 2nd and 3rd trimester and the highest level during first trimester is fatigue (92%). Recommendations: Teaching mothers about minor discomforts and self care measures to cope with them and differentiate between them

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