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Dr. amera mohamed :: Publications:

The Relation between Green Human Resource Management Strategies and Organizational Innovativeness among Head Nurses
Authors: Amira Mohamed Abd El-Monem1, Samah Elsaied Rashed2 & Aya Ghoneimy Hasanin3
Year: 2022
Keywords: Green human resource management strategies, Head nurses & Organizational innovativeness.
Journal: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Volume: 10
Issue: 32
Pages: 113-125
Publisher: Amira Mohamed Abd El-Moneim
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper amera mohamed_ASNJ_Volume 10_Issue 32_Pages 113-125 - Copy.pdf
Supplementary materials amera mohamed_ASNJ_Volume 10_Issue 32_Pages 113-125 - Copy.pdf

Background: Green human resource management strategies are practices in organizations that focus on the human side of environmental management to promote organizational performance and innovativeness. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the relation between green human resource management strategies and organizational innovativeness among head nurses. Research Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized. Setting: Medical and surgical buildings, Benha University Hospital. Subjects: all available head nurses (60) who are working on the above mentioned setting. Tools: Two main tools namely (I) Green Human Resource Management Strategies Questionnaire and (II) Organizational Innovativeness Questionnaire. Results: slightly more than two thirds (66.7%) of head nurses had high perception level toward green human resource management strategies and the majority (90.0%) of them perceived high level of organizational innovativeness. Conclusion: There was highly statistically significant correlation between total head nurses' perception of green human resource management strategies and total organizational innovativeness. Recommendations: Nurse Managers should link green rewards and compensation with environmentally friendly behavior and performance and further research needs to be conducted to identify challenges facing implementation of GHRM strategies in health care setting

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