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Dr. amera mohamed :: Publications:

Organizational Cynicism and Work Alienation among Nurses and Its Relation to Organizational Loyalty
Authors: Amira Mohamed Abd El-Monem1, Asmaa Khaled Abd El-Aziz Zaki2 & Aya Ghoneimy Hasanin3
Year: 2023
Keywords: Nurses, Organizational cynicism, Organizational loyalty & Work alienation.
Journal: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Volume: 11
Issue: 38
Pages: 227 -237
Publisher: Amira Mohamed Abd El-Moneim
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper amera mohamed_ASNJ_Volume 11_Issue 38_Pages 227-237 (1).pdf
Supplementary materials amera mohamed_ASNJ_Volume 11_Issue 38_Pages 227-237 (1).pdf

Background: Organizational cynicism exist as a resistance against improvement of the organization as it has adverse effects such as distrust, burnout, alienation and decrease organizational loyalty. Aim: Assess organizational cynicism and work alienation among nurses and its relation to organizational loyalty. Research Design: A descriptive correlational design was used. Setting: The study was conducted in all inpatients units of medical and surgical departments at Benha University Hospital. Sample: Convenient sample of nurses (317) out of 1528. Tools of data collection: Three main tools namely; (I): organizational cynicism scale, (II) work alienation scale and (III): organizational loyalty questionnaire Results: More than two fifth (43.8%) of nurses had high level of organizational cynicism and more than half (57.4 %) of them had moderate level of work alienation. While, more than two fifth (44.8 %) of nurses had moderate level of organizational loyalty. Conclusion: There was a statistical significant positive correlation between total organizational cynicism and total work alienation. On the other hand, there was a statistical significant negative correlation between total organizational cynicism and total organizational loyalty. Also, there was a highly statistical significant negative correlation between total work alienation and total organizational loyalty. Recommendations: Providing the autonomy and support for nurses by building an atmosphere of confidence, trust, respect and justice to minimize cynicism and work alienation and evaluating the effect of organizational cynicism and alienation on nurses' productivity.

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