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Dr. Amina Abdelrazek Mahmoud :: Publications:

Effect of Educational Health Program on Prevention of Falling among Older Adults at Geriatric Homes
Authors: S Mahboba ; Abdelrazek A;K Farida
Year: 2016
Keywords: Key words: Older adults, falls prevention, and health education program.
Journal: المؤتمر الدولى الثامن لكلية التمريض جامعة حلوان بالاشتراك مع جامعة لينوس بالسويد وكليةالعلوم الصحية التطبيقية كلية الطب جامعة حلوان والاكاديمية الدولية للعلوم التطبيقية والتكنولوجياIAST الاسكندرية – 27-28ابريل 2016 "
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amina Abd Elrazek Mahmoud_falls research 8-6-2016 - Copy.pdf
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Background Falls are a major public health epidemic of this decade among older adults and the leading cause of fatal, nonfatal injuries, traumatic brain injury and fractures among them. Falls also threaten the independence of older adults as institutionalization rates increase among those who have had multiple falls so community health nurses have crucial role to educate older adult to prevent falling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of educational health program on prevention of falling among older adults Research design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. Setting: The present study was conducted at Geriatric Homes, Benha Geriatic Home in Benha City and Abo Negada Geriatic Home in Ismalia City. Sample: A purposive sample was used in this study, the total number of older adults in the above mentioned setting were 40 older adults; 24 from Benha City and 16 from Ismalia City. Tools of Data Collection Three tools were utilized in this study comprised: First tool: A structured interviewing questionnaire for; It consisted of the following four parts: Part І: Socio-demographic characteristics of the older adults included five items as age, gender, residence, education, and marital status. Part ІІ: Concerned with the past medical history of older adults. Part ІІІ: Concerned with falls risk factors assessment of older adults. Part IV: Assess knowledge of the older adults about falling. Second Tool: The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FESI) to assess older adults’ fear of falling. Third tool: An observation checklist was used to A) assess practices of the older adults physical activities B) Assess geriatric safety homes environments. Result: This study showed; 32.5% of the older adults aged from 65 to less than 70 years old. 55 % of them were female, 45% had secondary education, and 82.5% of them were widow. As regard total knowledge of older adults regarding falls; before the program; 40 % of them had good total knowledge scores, while after the program increased to 70 % of them. Concerning to total falls efficacy scale-international; 55% of older adults were very concerned Conclusion: Based on findings of the present study and answering research hypothesis, the present study concluded that:- Educational health program has showed a highly statistically significant effect on knowledge and practices of the older adults post program and improving their knowledge and practices regarding falling prevention. Recommendation: Based on findings of the present study the following recommendations can be suggested: - Well-designed educational health program are needed in Geriatric Homes to prevent falling include intrinsic. • Background: Falls are a major public health problem among older adults and the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among them. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of educational health program on prevention of falling among older adults. Research design: A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Geriatric Homes, Benha Geriatic Home in Benha City and Abo Negada Geriatic Home in Ismalia City. The sample : A purposive sample was used in this study, the total number of older adults in the above mentioned setting were 40 older adults; 24 from Benha City and 16 from Ismalia City. Tools: Three tools were utilized in this study comprised 1- A structured interviewing questionnaire for; the socio-demographic characteristics, the past medical history, falls risk factors assessment of older adults, and for the assessment of knowledge of the older adults, 2- The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FESI) to assess older adults fear of falling 3- An observation checklist was used to A) assess practices of the older adults physical activities B) Assess geriatric safety homes environments. Results of this study showed; 32.5% of the older adults aged from 65 to less than 70 years old. 55 % of them were female, 45% had secondary education, and 82.5% of them were widow. As regard total knowledge of older adults regarding falls; before the program; 40 % of them had good total knowledge scores, while after the program increased to 70 % of them. Concerning to total falls efficacy scale-international; 55% of older adults were very concerned. This study concluded that: Educational health program has showed a highly statistically significant effect on knowledge and practices of the older adults post program and improving their knowledge and practices regarding falling prevention. The study recommended that: Well-designed educational health program are needed in Geriatric Homes to prevent falling include intrinsic & extrinsic risk factors and Further research is needed for the prevention of falls in older adults.

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