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Dr. Amina Abdelrazek Mahmoud :: Publications:

Effect of Nursing Guidelines on Hemorrhoids Symptoms among Pregnant Women
Authors: Somaya Ouda Abd Elmoniem, 2 Samah El Sayed Ghonaem 3 Wafaa Atta Mohammed & 4Amina Abdelrazek Mahmoud
Year: 2023
Keywords: Hemorrhoids Symptoms, Nursing Guidelines, Pregnant Women
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: 4-28
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amina Abdelrazek Mahmoud_EJNHS_Volume 4_Issue 2_Pages 4-28.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Hemorrhoids (also known as ‘piles’) are swollen varicose veins located around the anus. Hemorrhoids are a common condition in pregnancy. The main reported symptoms caused by hemorrhoids are burning, itching, perianal pain, and bleeding Aim: The study aimed to assess the effect of nursing guidelines on hemorrhoids symptoms among pregnant women. Design: A Quasi experimental design was used for conducting the study. Setting: The study was conducted in the obstetrics and gynecology antenatal outpatient clinic at Benha University Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 120 pregnant women divided to 2 equal groups study group and control group were selected according to inclusion criteria. Tools: two tools were utilized for data collection 1) A structured interviewing questionnaire 2) The Colorectal Evaluation of Clinical Therapeutics Scale. Results of this study showed that knowledge and healthy practices there was insignificant relation between study and control groups pre intervention guidelines while high statistically significant relation between both groups post intervention guidelines, also high statistically significant correlation between knowledge and healthy practice with severity of hemorrhoidal symptoms post intervention in both groups. Conclusion: significant improvement knowledge, healthy practice, and significant improvement of severity hemorrhoids symptoms post intervention guidelines. Recommendations: health education program regarding general heathy practice during pregnancy and dietary education program during antenatal visits. Replication of the current study on a large representative sample to achieve generalization of the results.

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