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Ass. Lect. Amira Mohammed Abdelhameed :: Publications:

Effect of Calving season and Parity on the Productivity and Profitability of Holstein Friesian Dairy Farms
Authors: Amira M. Abd-El Hamed1; Eman R. Kamel 1
Year: 2020
Keywords: Key-words: Calving season, Parity, 305MY, Economic, Friesian
Journal: Benha Veterinary Medical Journal (BVMJ)
Volume: 39
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amira Mohammed Abdelhameed_Final Parity Manuscript.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of calving season and parity on the productivity and profitability of private and governmental dairy farms in Egypt. The data of this study were estimated from 1353 lactation records of Friesian dairy cows. The data were classified according to calving season into winter and summer calvers, and according to parity into six lactation orders from 1st to 6th, then the data were analyzed statistically by using the computer programs SPSS/PC+ version 23. Total milk yield (305MY) and net profit (NP) differed significantly between calving season and parity within production sector, private sector for winter calvers and 3rd parity had the highest 305MY and NP (9759.5Kg - 40960.9EGP&10304.3 kg, 44546.1EGP, respectively), while governmental sector for summer calvers and 6th parity had the lowest 305MY and NP (5028.4Kg-12117.1EGP &4460.1kg,10027.3EGP, respectively). Total cost (TC) differed significantly within parity and sector, it was the highest for the private sector at 4th parity (34849.1EGp), while 6th parity for governmental sector had the lowest value (27657.5 EGP). Finally, we concluded that winter calvers and 3rd parity achieve the highest profitability for dairy farms.

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