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Dr. amira kamal eldin mohammed elalfy :: Publications:

The Effect of vitamin D Therapy on Eradication Rates of Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Authors: Amira K. El-Alfy , Basma A. Badr, Mohamed A. Hewedi, A R Mohamed
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper amira kamal eldin mohammed elalfy_BMFJ2724581670104800.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has been shown to be a key contributor to chronic gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, and gastric lymphoma are all linked to this condition, which affects 50% of the world's population. Aim of the work : To assess the efficacy of adding vitamin D supplement in eliminating helicobacter pylori infection. Methods: A total of 50 Egyptian patients with dyspeptic symptoms lasting at least one month were involved in this case study. Patients were categorized into two groups. Group A: 25 patients with helicobacter pylori infection ; they received clarithromycin-based triple treatment and a vitamin D supplement Group B : 25 individuals with Helicobacter pylori infection ; they received triple clarithromycin treatment without vitamin D supplementation. Results: There was a statistically significant difference (p= 0.031) in the efficacy of vitamin D between the two groups, with 84% of patients in group A showing favourable outcomes whereas only 56% of the patients in group B exhibited positive results. Conclusion: As a result, supplementing clarithromycin-based triple therapy with vitamin D3 may increase eradication rates for H. pylori infections substantially.

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