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Dr. Amir Sabry Mohamed Ibrahim :: Publications:

Improving irrigation system management: A case study: Bahr Sanhoor Canal, Fayoum, Egypt
Authors: Amir Sabry Ibrahim
Year: 2023
Keywords: canal efficiency, covering, GIS, irrigation system management, numerical simulation
Volume: 2022, No. 53 (IV–VI)
Issue: e-ISSN 2083-4535
Pages: 1–9
Publisher: Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Amir Sabry Mohamed Ibrahim_2022-02-JWLD-01.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Realising the need for improving irrigation system management, the Bahr Sanhoor Canal (BSC) was selected as a case study, and the effect of covering a reach with a concrete box culvert where the irrigation canal passes through a crowded rural area on the efficiency of the canal system was examined. The field inspection of the canal system revealed multiple problems. Two alternatives for improving irrigation management were introduced. A local alternative was offered by applying a suitable numerical model to enhance the efficiency of the current status of the canal system, the water level upstream of the covered part reached 13.54 m, this solution will lower the water levels by approximately 2 m, which is below the bank levels at an affordable cost. Additionally, it will help to avoid the risk of inundating the adjacent residential area. A sustainable and environmental alternative was considered to offer a new path in which the covered reach passed outside the residential area. This alternative is permanent and sustainable. Although the proposed second path to the right of the residential area is the long-term recommendation and is sustainable, any path of flow to either the left or right of the BSC will be associated with initial high costs. The two proposed alternatives may help decision makers improve the performance of irrigation systems.

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