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Prof. Ashraf Shawky Selim SayedAhmed Mohra :: Publications:

A New Class of Miniature Quadrature Couplers for MICs and MMICs Applications
Authors: 4. A.F.Sheta, A. S. Mohra and S.F. Mahmoud
Year: 2002
Keywords: coupler, MMIC, MINIATURE
Volume: 34
Issue: 3
Pages: 215-219
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ashraf Shawy Selim SayedAhmed_4-2002_Aug_a new class of miniture quadrature couplers for MIc and MMIC applications.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A new class of miniature quadrature couplers suitable for microwave integrated circuits (MICs) and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are presented. The proposed couplers have some advantages compared to conventional types, such as smaller size, no harmonic response, and wide stop-band characteristics. Two 3-dB quadrature couplers at two different frequencies, 0.9 and 10 GHz have been designed and simulated. The coupler designed at 900 MHz has been fabricated on Duroid substrate with microstrip technology. Compared to the standard quadrature coupler more than 65% area savings, has been achieved, and the first higher-order response appears at 5.8 GHz. The measured results show good agreement with theoretical prediction.

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