This study was design ed to invesligate the relation betwern hmg -ancer and lgA level in broncho alvcolarlavagefluid and serum. 24 patients wilh proven lung cmwer (group A) were compa red with /2 pati enls with benign chesl diseases (group B) and 12 healthy subjects (Group C). It was concluded that
lgA concentrations in BAL fluid in the cancer involved lung (Mi.04 llll?ldl) were increased when com
par ed with those of pati enls u•ith benign chest diseases ( 18.75 mgldl) or when compared with those nor mal control subjects ( 17.5 m[:ld/). The lgA concentra tions in IJALjluid of the cancer involved lung were also increased when comparl'd wilh those o.L the contralateral concrr fr ee lrmg (26.17 mgldl). The di agnostic utility of lgA in both BALfluid and in serum can he r •co111111ended to be used for screening of individuals with higher risk of lung cancer