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Prof. amr hamdi :: Publications:

Carcino-embryonic antigen & some immunoglobulins in serum & Broncho-Alveolar lavage (BAL) of asymptomatic smokers ( Cigarette Vs Goza smokes)
Authors: bdou M.A., El-Karaksi S.,Salah El-Din M., Salem E., Soliman M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & Enan A.A
Year: 1994
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Arab Journal of laboratory medicine
Volume: 20
Issue: 1
Pages: 213:227
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The use of fiberoptic bronchoscope to perform BAL and the analysis of cells and proteins in the recovered fluid has received wide attention as an investigative tool since its introduction . This study aimed at studying the biochemical changes of bronchoalveo­ lar lavage in smokers. 49 males were studied, they were classified into four groups: Group 1: symptomless cigarette smokers (n = 21), group ll: symptomless goza smokers ( n = 8), group ill: symptom­ less mixed and goza smokers (n = 8) and group IV, control healthy non-smokers (n =12). For all subjects, estimation of immunoglobulins A and G and carcinoembryonic antigen were done both in serum and BAL fluid. B-AL yield was signif icantly diminished in smokers than in non smokers. BAL fluid of smokers showed increased neutrophil per­ cent age of total cells and increased IgG level and IgG/Albumin ra- - tio, while albu min level significantly decreased. CENA!bumin ratio in BAL was increased significantly in goza smokers than in non smokers. So we conclude that smoking defi­ nitely affects BAL components in a way that alters lung defences; predispose to frequent respiratory infections. •Increased BAL CEA levels might serve a useful indicator for future airways diseases in smokers. Serum CEA was found to be higher in smokers than in never smokers while the concentration of CEA in sputum samples were about 100 times greater than the con­ centration found in the serum The aim of this work is to study the level of CEA as well as some immunoglob­ ulins in BAL fluid of smokers and non smokers as compared to plasma levels and to demonstrate the difference, if any, be­ tween cigarette and goza smokers which may have a clinical value in e Jy diagno­ sis or screening of smoking-related chest diseases.

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