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Prof. amr hamdi :: Publications:

Evaluation of mast cell stabilizers in bronchial asthma
Authors: Abdou MA, Hanna KM, Hamdi AB, El-Hadidy AA, Negm MF and Soliman MA
Year: 1995
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Egyptian journal of chest diseases and tuberculosis
Volume: 44
Issue: 1
Pages: 125-135
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

This st udy conducted on 60 chronic asthmatic patien ts with p(lsitive skin test to different antigens to evalua te the efficacy of cromolrn sodium (DSCG) and kctotifen in the treatmem of bronchial asthma. All pati ents were subjected to history taking . vemila/Oryfuncti (JII tests. metaclwlinc bmnclroprovocation challenge test, total and specijic lgE and THITS ratio. The {Jll:tents were classified into 3 groups each compris ing (20 cases) group A. receiving DSCC. ,roup U. !(Tl'll'ing ketotifen and group C; receiving placeb tl. These drugs were gil'l!ll for 6 months w ether with om! terbutaline and oral corticosteroids in steroid-dependent asthmatics. Patients were regularly cvoluotcd ch11ico/ly and IJy tire peak flow meter, and aft er 6 months of treatment study desig11 was repeated, except specific lg£ Fstima tion. There was insign((icant reduction in t/1(' si::.t• of skin test ind urnti(Jn i11 both grn!lfJ A and IJ. Tow/ lg£ 11•as lriglr in tire thn•e groups before treatmttlt. however, it ll'ns tll.lignifican• ly red uced in group A and B. There was a sign(fica11t reduction of TH/TS at the end of treatment in gt oup , only. Group A showed significcmt improl' ement in small ninmy /it t iCtions mort' than fllacebo but tl() stltlistic:al/y .fignifican t dijfere11ce be­ tll'cen ,l'roup A and D ww deteued. n,onclua/ l1ypc1 reacTivity wos significcmtly reduced only in group A. Cromolyn led to more reduction and c:esmtio11 of c:oncomitm/1 medications, including steroids, with more .wbjective imprm'CIIIC!IIt 11 hen compared with ketotijc11. In ,•onclttsion, cromolyn provided more subjective benefit, than ketntijc11 in asthmatics. /11 oddition cr(Jmolyn reduced 1HITS. and bronchial hy­ per reactivity whereas ketotije11 did not. Cmmolyn improl'ed l'entilatnry function s mainly small airway an effect was not obtained by kctotifen. Crumolyn aUowed mo;•e rcdtlclion or cessa tion of concomitant medications, thus providing a measure of .freedom from cont inuing asthma attacks and multiple dmg therapy with its potential side ej(ects.

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