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Prof. amr hamdi :: Publications:

Study of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis
Authors: Abdo MA, El-Karaksy S, Hamdi AB, El-Gazzar AG, Negm MF, Yousef AA, EL-Aarag Ah and Eissa SA
Year: 1994
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International conference on chest disease and tuberculosis
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Peripheral blood T lymphocytes and their subsets together with serum immunoglooulins levels (lgG,A and M.) were determined in 40 patients with pulmonary tuberculosi s (20 patients with inactiv e pulmonary tuberculosis = group II and 20 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis=group Ill) aND 10 healthy individuals as a control (group 1). All subjects were assessed clinically, radiologically, bacteriologically and by tuberculin testing. Activ e tuberculosis (group Ill) was associated with significant increase in lgG and lgM levels, insignificant increase in lgA level, highly significant decrease of absolut e t otal lymphocytes, insignifica nt decrease of T3 %, highly significant decrease of absolute T3 , highly significant decrease of T41 T8 ratio. Patient s with inactive pulmonary tuberculosis (group II) showed near norma l values of serum immunoglobulins (lg G, M and A),T3 , T4 , T8 and T41T8 ratio. Changes in the parameters of humoral and cellulpr immunity bear no correlation to ESR, radiological extent of the disease or to tuberculin t est.

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