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Dr. Amr Soleiman Mahmoud Hassan :: Publications:

Intrinsic theory of projective changes in Finsler Geometry
Authors: Nabil L. Youssef; S. H. ; A. Soleiman
Year: 1950
Keywords: Pullback formalism; Projective change; Canonical spray; Barthel connection, Berwald connection; Weyl curvature tensor; Weyl torsion tensor; Douglas tensor, Projective connection; Projectively flat manifold.
Journal: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
Volume: 60
Issue: 1
Pages: 263-281
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amr Soleiman Mahmoud Hassan_PROJECTIVE CHANGES.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The aim of the present paper is to provide an intrinsic investigation of projective changes in Finlser geometry, following the pullback formalism. Various known local results are generalized and other new intrinsic results are obtained. Nontrivial characterizations of projective changes are given. The fundamental projectively invariant tensors, namely, the projective deviation tensor, the Weyl torsion tensor, the Weyl curvature tensor and the Douglas tensor are investigated. The properties of these tensors and their interrelationships are obtained. Projective connections and projectively flat manifolds are characterized. The present work is entirely intrinsic (free from local coordinates).

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