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Dr. Amr Soleiman Mahmoud Hassan :: Publications:

On concircularly recurrent Finsler manifolds
Authors: Nabil L. Youssef ; A. Soleiman
Year: 2013
Keywords: Cartan connection; concircular curvature tensor; concircularly flat; concircularly recurrent Finsler manifold; Rh-recurrent Finsler manifold; Rh-symmetric Finslar manifold.
Journal: Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Pages: 101-113
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amr Soleiman Mahmoud Hassan_Concir. Rec. FS. (paper 3).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Two special Finsler spaces have been introduced and investigated, namely R^h-recurrent Finsler space and concircularly recurrent Finsler space. The defining properties of these spaces are formulated in terms of the first curvature tensor of Cartan connection. The following three results constitute the main object of the present paper: (i) a concircularly flat Finsler manifold is necessarily of constant curvature (Theorem A); (ii) every R^h-recurrent Finsler manifold is concircularly recurrent with the same recurrence form (Theorem B); (iii) every horizontally integrable concircularly recurrent Finsler manifold is R^h-recurrent with the same recurrence form (Theorem C).

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