The porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits that newly were discovered in Tepeoba area are the largest resources in the Biga Peninsula at the northwestern side of Turkey. This study reports the geochemical investigations of the wall rock hosted porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralization at Tepeoba area as well as subsurface modeling of potential Cu-Mo-Au ore zones in the subsurface environment in order to simplify the research and increase the rate of probable economical reserves of deposit for the future exploitation. The area under investigation is approximately located in 10 km to the North of the town of Havran in the Balıkesir Province. This area is formed essentially of metasedimentary and metabasite rocks later intruded by Tertiary-aged Eybek granite and granodiorite as well as acidic and basic dykes. These metasedimentary and metabasite rocks are affected by contact metamorphism as a result of this intrusion and metamorphosed into andalusite-biotite schist. Cu-Mo-Au mineralization was associated with brecciated stock work veins within contact metamorphic rocks and granitoid rocks. The mineralization zone is directed NE-SW and rich in chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, molybdenite, pyrite, gold and Fe-minerals. Based on the geochemical characteristics, the granitoid rocks are mostly granite range between monzonite and quartz monzonite and siyenite. 3D subsurface modeling revealed that the study area has a moderate grade of Cu-Mo reserving with some boreholes have high amount of copper-molybdenum and gold in different depths and lithology. |