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Dr. Amr Mohamed Abdelhameed Nagy Abdo :: Publications:

Deep Neural Network Models for the Recognition of Traffic Signs Defects
Authors: Amr M. Nagy, Laszlo Czuni
Year: 2021
Keywords: Visual Inspection; defect detection; traffic signs; deep learning
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

While there are lots of papers about thedetection and recognition of traffic signs, the detection oftheir defects are not well discovered yet. In our paper wediscuss different neural network approaches to find variouserrors on already detected traffic signs. We introduce adata-set of over 4000 items including three frequent errortypes: covered, faded, and scribbled. Two major approachesare investigated: convolutional neural networks to learnthe features of defects, and siamese convolutional neuralnetworks to compare traffic signs with others with knowndistortions. While the former models are known for theirgood performance in object recognition in general, the laternetworks are often used for the detection of defects ofobjects. Neither approach requires information about thetype of the traffic sign itself. We also introduce a techniqueto post-process the confidence values of siamese networks,obtained on different input pairs, to improve accuracy. Thebest results we could achieve was 0.89 F1-score on our data-set (PDF) Deep Neural Network Models for the Recognition of Traffic Signs Defects. Available from:

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