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Prof. Aref Adel Ahmed Elaraby Lashin :: Publications:

A preliminary study on the potential of the geothermal resources around the Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Authors: Aref Lashin
Year: 2013
Keywords: Geothermal resources . Temperature profiles . Heat generation . Geothermometers . Energy production Gulf of Suez
Journal: Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Volume: 6
Issue: 8
Pages: 2807–2828
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
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The Gulf of Suez is characterized by the presence of many hot springs and deep thermal wells scattered around its coastal areas. So it is considered one of the promised geothermal areas in Egypt. In this study, the main emphasis is to investigate the geothermal potential around the Gulf of Suez using the available logging and geothermometer datasets. The temperature profiles and well logging data of some hot springs and deep wells around or within the coastal area of the Gulf of Suez are used in this study. The temperature profiles are analyzed and some important thermophysical properties are estimated (geothermal gradient, thermal conductivity, heat flow, and specific heat capacity). Such analysis revealed that a medium to high geothermal gradient (22.0–30°C/Km) is given for the Gulf of Suez as a whole, with some spots of much higher gradient in the order of 35.0–44°C/Km (Ras Fanar and Hammam Faraun areas). The compiled thermal plots show that the thick evaporites and rock salt lithology, which is a major constituent in this area, attain the highest thermal conductivity (>3.10 W/m/K) and heat flow (>90 mW/m2) and the lowest specific heat capacity (

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