You are in:Home/Publications/The Characteristic of A Spherical Electronic Probe Immersed In Quiescent Dense Plasma Acted Upon By A Magnetic Field. Delta lSci. 19 (2) , 71-83

Prof. Abd El Rahman Ali Saad :: Publications:

The Characteristic of A Spherical Electronic Probe Immersed In Quiescent Dense Plasma Acted Upon By A Magnetic Field. Delta lSci. 19 (2) , 71-83
Authors: M. A. Abdel-Aziz, A. S. Sabbah, A. A. Saad, And M. Y. Aid
Year: 1995
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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