You are in:Home/Publications/“Crustal Deformation Studies in the Northern Part of Aswan Lake using GPS Technique” Journal of The National Res. Inst. of Astronomy and Geophysics Ser. No."G28" (Special Issue ).Cairo , Egypt.

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker :: Publications:

“Crustal Deformation Studies in the Northern Part of Aswan Lake using GPS Technique” Journal of The National Res. Inst. of Astronomy and Geophysics Ser. No."G28" (Special Issue ).Cairo , Egypt.
Authors: Shaker A. , Hamed, M., Saad, A., Mahmoud, S.:
Year: 2010
Keywords: Keywords: Aswan region, GPS observations, deformation parameters calculation and interpretation. Keywords: Aswan region, GPS observations, deformation parameters calculation and interpretation. Keywords: Aswan region, GPS observations, deformation parameters calculation and interpretation.
Journal: Journal of The National Res. Inst. of Astronomy and Geophysics Ser. No."G28" (Special Issue ).Cairo , Egypt.
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker_41-crustal deformation studies in the northern part of Aswan.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract Study of recent crustal movements is considered as an important task for geodesists, geologists and geophysicists. This is due to other part this phenomena is very dangerous on the human life in the world, so all constructed projects must be secured against the crustal deformation at local, regional and global scales. Study of recent crustal movements means the determination of the magnitude, direction and the rate of these movements. In addition, the analysis of horizontal crustal strains is important in a wide area of geophysical studies as well as in earthquake prediction. Nowadays, crustal deformation within Egypt relates to the regional and local tectonic forces. GPS data were collected and processed using Bernese 5.0 software. The displacement vectors for each epoch of observation were calculated from the coordinate changes. Considering the confidence limit, most of these displacement vectors could be mainly attributed to the movement within Aswan study area in those epochs of measurements. The relative movements between the epochs of measurements are estimated. The main objective of this work is to monitor the surface crustal deformation around the reservoir for understanding the geodynamics of this region. Also, an attempt has been made to investigate the recent crustal movements by two solutions , by making the point in the network once as a fixed point and once again by connecting point (IGS) out of the network and their relation to the induce seismicity in the areas vicinity of Aswan Lake

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