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Prof. Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker :: Publications:

“Absolute Sea Level Rise Estimation at Alexandria Using Tide Records and GPS Observations” FIG working week in morocco -May.
Authors: Shaker A. , Alnaggar, D. , Saad, A. , Faisal, H
Year: 2011
Keywords: Sea level Rise, Tide Gauge, GPS
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker_44-Absolute sea level rise.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract Globally, research studies revealed that the sea level is rising in the last decade, with different rates for different regions of the Earth. Nationally, the issue of re-defining the Egyptian vertical geodetic datum and the existing problem of sea level rising has attained a great attention in the geodetic community. In 2001, the Survey Research Institute (SRI) of the National Water Research Center (NWRC) has installed a stat-of-the-art sea level observing system at Alexandria. The new installed system consists of three devices integrated together in a unified scheme: a tide gauge, a meteorological unit, and a satellite-based GPS geodetic receiver. Analyzing the GPS continuous time series and estimating the rate of ground deformation at the tide gauge station's site is an important issue to obtain absolute rate of MSL rise. Hence, this research concentrates on estimating the absolute rate of MSL rise at Alexandria tide gauge station using continuous tide and GPS observations.

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