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Prof. Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker :: Publications:

Real Geodetic Map (Map without Projection)
Authors: Abdurrahman Arafa , Shaker A. , Abdullah Saad
Year: 2017
Keywords: Map Projection, Geodetic datum, Ellipsoid, Distortion, Scales, Coordinates
Journal: Journal of Environment and Earth Science ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Volume: Vol.7, No.10, 2017
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Abdel Sattar Shaker_50-Real geodetic map (map without projection).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The earth as a planet is geometrically represented as an ellipsoid or a sphere where geodetic computations should be followed. In small areas and as a special case, the considered area can be treated as a plan and plan metric computations are followed. The surveying elements to be introduced to the user could be distances, bearings, azimuths, and areas. These elements can be obtained by computing them from either map (projected) coordinates or from geodetic coordinates. In the past, not everybody could deal with the geodetic coordinates, so map projection has been introduced to facilitate dealing with the map using metric units. Nowadays computers and computer programming enable us to deal easily with geodetic computations and geodetic maps. In this research, the proposed computerized real geodetic map is introduced. The computations which have been done to clear the idea of the proposed map and their results are tabulated and illustrated.

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