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Prof. Ashraf Awad Abd-El-Twab :: Publications:

Molecular Studies on Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Multiple drug resistant Salmonella Servoars and Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Chickens .
Authors: Ashraf A. Abd El Tawab1, Seham N. Hamouda2 , Maryam S.Dowidar3
Year: 2017
Keywords: Antimicrobial Resistance ,Chicken, Class I Integron, PCR.
Journal: BVMJ
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ashraf Awad Abd-El-Twab_final.2docx-1.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

A total of 400 samples were collected from 100 broiler chickens represented by 100 for each of muscle ,liver, heart and 50 for each of spleen and joint from chicken flocks in Gharbia, Egypt during the period from February to June 2016. All samples were subjected for isolation of Salmonella and S.aureus, antibiograms and application of PCR screen on resistant genes. The incidence of Salmonella and S.aureus were 11 (2.75%) and 41(10.25%) respectively. For Salmonella the predominant servoars isolated were S.Infantis (36.36%) , S.Typhimurium (18.18%) , S.Stanleyville (18.18%) , S.Magherafelt (9%) , S.Sinchew (9%) , S.Ratchaburi (9%). All Salmonallae and S.aureus isolates (100%) showed multidrug resistance. All Salmonella isolates were sensitive to amikacin and gentamycin., Salmonalla isolates showed several antibiotic resistance by variable difference from 100% for pencillin, oxacillin , spiramycin and vancomycin to 27.2% for norfloxacin and cefoxitin. S.aureus isolates showed several antibiotic resistance by variable difference from 100% for oxacillin , ampicillin ,pencillin ,spiramycin to 12% for ceftriaxone and amikacin, By using PCR, For Salmonella showed that 9 isolates harbored blaTEM gene ,Sul1 and floR (9/9)(100%) , 7 isolates harbored ereA and tetA (7/9)(77.7%), 6 isolates harbored aadA1 , class 1 integrons (6/9) (66.6%) and only one isolate harbored qnrS gene (1/9) (11.1%). But for S.aureus showed that 3 isolates harbored mecA gene (3/6) (50%) and 4 isolates harbored femA gene (4/6) ( 66.6%).

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