You are in:Home/Publications/THE IMPACT OF USING AUTOMATIC EMBROIDERY CRAFT UPON ARCHITECTURAL SPACES IN EGYPTIAN CRAFT INDUSTRIES VILLAGES - Fourth Conference of Egyptian Rural Development, Shebin El-Kom : 15-17 Sep. - Faculty of Engineering Minufiya University, Volume(2) PP: 996-1010

Dr. Ashraf A. Gaafar :: Publications:

THE IMPACT OF USING AUTOMATIC EMBROIDERY CRAFT UPON ARCHITECTURAL SPACES IN EGYPTIAN CRAFT INDUSTRIES VILLAGES - Fourth Conference of Egyptian Rural Development, Shebin El-Kom : 15-17 Sep. - Faculty of Engineering Minufiya University, Volume(2) PP: 996-1010
Authors: Ashraf A. Gaafar
Year: 2003
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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For many years, numerous researches have been conducted with regard to the industry programs development and their related applications. All industries have to compensate with these developments toward better performance. This research considers exploring the automatic embroidery craft For many years, numerous researches have been conducted with regard to the industry programs development and their related applications. All industries have to compensate with these developments toward better performance. This research considers exploring the automatic embroidery craft For many years, numerous researches have been conducted with regard to the industry programs development and their related applications. All industries have to compensate with these developments toward better performance. This research considers exploring the automatic embroidery craft

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