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Dr. Asmaa Mohamed Mohamed Helmy Arief :: Publications:

Philosophy and the Crisis of Education and Culture at Arendt Thought
Authors: Arief , A. M. H.
Year: 2023
Keywords: Arendt, Education, Educators, Culture, Mass Society
Journal: Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 110-119
Publisher: Refaad for Studies and Research
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Asmaa Mohamed Mohamed Helmy Arief_Arief, A Philosophy and the Crisis of Education and Culture at Arendt Thought.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study aims to detect the starting point of the crises that happened in Education and Culture by the philosophical analysis which Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975) had discussed. In Arendt's account, we can understand the genesis of the crisis as a pre-strategy to fix it. In fact, thinking is the fundamental solution to these crises and to renew our common world. Prosperity in society is related genuinely to education and culture. Regarding human capability for development, education is considered an inalienable civic right which is imposed on society insofar as seeking growth. This study seeks to discover failure in these two spheres. Methods: This study relies on three methodologies; the analytical method used for discussing Arendts' terms, the historical method to explain the development of each term, and the critic method to determine the reasons behind these crises. Conclusions: The results illustrated there is a serious relation between misunderstanding the concepts of education and learning and the emptiness of their aims.

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