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Dr. asmaa.hussein :: Publications:

Measurement of Tracheobronchial Tree Dimensions in Egyptian population and its Correlation with Sex, Age, Weight and Height (Computed Tomographic Study)
Authors: Amal Mahmoud Elshazly, Islam Mahmoud Elshazly, Asmaa Y. A. Hussein and Ahmed Abdelhamed Hassan
Year: 2019
Keywords: Keywords: Measurement; Tracheobronchial; Tree; Dimension; Egyptian population; Correlation; Sex; Age; Weight; Height; Tomographic Keywords: Measurement; Tracheobronchial; Tree; Dimension; Egyptian population; Correlation; Sex; Age; Weight; Height; Tomographic Keywords: Measurement; Tracheobronchial; Tree; Dimension; Egyptian population; Correlation; Sex; Age; Weight; Height; Tomographic Keywords: Measurement; Tracheobronchial; Tree; Dimension; Egyptian population; Correlation; Sex; Age; Weight; Height; Tomographic Measurement; Tracheobronchial; Tree; Dimension; Egyptian population; Correlation; Sex; Age; Weight; Height; Tomographic
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper asmaa.hussein_Measurement of Tracheobronchial Tree.DOC
Supplementary materials Not Available

Measuring measurements of an airway is very significant for interventional bronchoscopists, investigators and clinicians in order to precisely diagnose anatomical anomaliesand detect the pathological alteration along a time or in reaction to therapies.Treating and exploration of images, thoughtful of topicsconnected to the achievement, and for any extent liketopics effect on imaging the tracheobronchial tree, is importantforevaluateddimensions precision and to createactualapplication of advanced techniques. The present workadds to this understandingby providing accurate measurements of the normative parameters of the tracheobronchial trees in the Egyptianresidentsapplying multi-planar reconstruction (MPR)andmulti-slice spiral computed tomography (CT).Six hundreds of persons submit to the Benha University Hospital for performing thoracic CT scans including the dimensions of tracheal and bronchial tree.Tracheallengths(LT)and its transvers diameter (TrTD) and anteroposterior diameter (APTD), the lengths of main stem bronchi as right bronchial length (RBL), left bronchial length (LBL), and the sizes of the right bronchial angle (RBA), left bronchial angle (LBA) were gotten via MPR of CT imaging. Multi-variance analyses were done to identifypossible associations amongacquired measurements. The anteroposterior tracheal diameter (APTD) was 20.13 ± 1.61 mm (22.46 ± 1.81mm for male and 17.81 ± 1.12mm for female). The transvers tracheal diameter(TrTD)was 18.64 ± 1.40 mm (20.92± 1.36 for male and 16.36 ± 1.18 mm for female). The length of the trachea(TL) was 125.88 ± 2.33mm (130.31 ± 2.22 mm for male and 121.46 ± 2.41mm for female). The mean lengths of left main stem bronchus (LBL) andthe right main stem bronchus (RBL)were 48.75 ± 1.88 and32.39 ± 1.11 mm respectively. The right bronchus angle and the left bronchus anglewere 35.68 ± 2.11 and 47.77 ± 1.55 degrees, respectively. The differences regarding the gender were significant in all the dimensions measured, there were significant increasein all parameters with increasing height except for the right and left bronchial angels there were no significant difference with increasing height, and there was no significant change in alltracheobronchial parameters with increasing weight and age.

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