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Assist. Asmaa Said Khalifa Ali Khalifa :: Publications:

Approximate Solution of Lane-Emden Type Equations Using Variation of Parameters Method with an Auxiliary Parameter
Authors: Asmaa S. Khalifa, Hany N. Hassan
Year: 2019
Keywords: Lane-Emden Equation, Variation of Parameter Method (VPM), Auxiliary Parameter
Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Volume: 7
Issue: 4
Pages: 921-941
Publisher: Scientific Research Publishing
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Asmaa Said Khalifa Ali Khalifa_JAMP_2019042315184296.pdf
Supplementary materials Asmaa Said Khalifa Ali Khalifa_test problem.nb

Lane-Emden type equation is a nonlinear differential equation appears in many fields such as stellar structure, radioactive cooling and modeling of clusters of galaxies. In this work, this equation is investigated using a semi-analytical method called the Variation of parameters method with an auxiliary parameter. In the applied technique, an unknown auxiliary parameter is inserted in Variation of Parameters Method to solve some special cases of these equations. The used algorithm is easy to implement and very effective. The obtained solutions are also fairly accurate

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