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Dr. Asmaa Mohamed Reda :: Publications:

TRAIL combinations: The new ‘trail for cancer therapy
Authors: Alaa Refaat, Ahmed Abd‑Rabou, Asmaa Reda
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Oncology letters
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Asmaa Mohamed Reda_TRAIL.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Tumor necrosis factor‑related apoptosis‑inducing ligand (TRAIL) therapy is anticipated to be one of the most effective cancer treatments. However, resistance to TRAIL therapy remains a challenge facing the development of anticancer strategies. To circumvent this problem, TRAIL combinations have been experimented with for over ten years to induce synergism or sensitize resistant cancer cells. By analyzing the signaling pathways triggered by these combinations, this review has defined a set of core targets for novel combinatorial treatments. The review suggests specific pathways to be targeted together with TRAIL for more efficient treatment, including cellular FLICE inhibitory protein and its downstream survival factors, the Bcl‑2 family and other prominent targets. The suggested pathways provide new avenues for more effective TRAIL‑based cancer therapy.

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