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Dr. Asmaa Mohamed Reda :: Publications:

Next-generation nanotheranostics targeting cancer stem cells
Authors: Asmaa Reda, Salma Hosseiny, Ibrahim M El-Sherbiny
Year: 2019
Keywords: cancer; cancer stem cells; nanotheranostics; smart nanoparticles; sustained release; targeting.
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
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Cancer is depicted as the most aggressive malignancy and is one the major causes of death worldwide. It originates from immortal tumor-initiating cells called 'cancer stem cells' (CSCs). This devastating subpopulation exhibit potent self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation characteristics. Dynamic DNA repair mechanisms can sustain the immortality phenotype of cancer to evade all treatment strategies. To date, current conventional chemo- and radio-therapeutic strategies adopted against cancer fail in tackling CSCs. However, new advances in nanotechnology have paved the way for creating next-generation nanotheranostics as multifunctional smart 'all-in-one' nanoparticles. These particles integrate diagnostic, therapeutic and targeting agents into one single biocompatible and biodegradable carrier, opening up new avenues for breakthroughs in early detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through efficient targeting of CSCs.

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