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Dr. Prof.Dr. Asmaa Gaber Ali Shalaby :: Workshops / Conferences:

Type: Conference
Name: International Conference on Physics, Materials Sciences & Engineering (ICPMSE) 23-25 March 2017, Luxor, Egypt
Start Date: 2017-03-23
End Date: 2017-03-25
Note: "GUP-corrected phase space and thermodynamics self consistency" Abstract Based on generalized uncertainty principle with the modi cation of the phase space, the partition function is modi ed recently. In the present work we analyze the self-consistency of the generic axiomatic thermodynamic derived from that modi ed partition function. This work studies the self consistency for all the thermodynamical quantities pressure, energy density, entropy and number density and some correlated quantities such as the speed of sound c^2s and the trace anomaly. First an deviation appeared between the hadron resonance gas model and the modi ed one due to GUP. But by studying the consistency, we found that the correlations are lack for axiomatic self-consistency.
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