The link between p53 as a prognostic marker and O2-free radicals as
an aetiological factor for cancer bladder needs to be clarified. The current
work was therefore, carried on 50 male subjects. Their ages were ranged
from 38-80 years with the mean value 56.3 . They were 40 patients with
cancer bladder in different grades compared with 10 health male subjects
as controls. Our patients were classified histopathologically into 4 groups.
Each group comprised 10 patients. Venous blood samples were taken from
all patients , pre-operatively and another samples were taken after 21 days
, post operatively. Also tissue biopsies with safety margins were taken for
determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) and p53 protein.
The results of this work showed that; pre-operative and post
operative serum MDA and p53 were significantly increased in all grades
compared with the control group (p |