You are in:Home/Publications/ Hyperinsulinemia sign a danger signal through the increase of plasma endothelin-1 level in some cardiovascular risk factors. Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):1119-1136.

Prof. Awad Mohamed Ali Hasan Elabd :: Publications:

Hyperinsulinemia sign a danger signal through the increase of plasma endothelin-1 level in some cardiovascular risk factors. Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):1119-1136.
Authors: Z Mahdy, A El-Bermawy, AM El Abd,, S Abu El-Dahab, and M Odah,
Year: 2001
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Awad Mohamed Ali Hasan Elabd_8-endothelin-1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and smoking are all well known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, the link between these risk factors, plasma insulin and endothelin-1(ET-1) as well as cardiovascular diseases remains to be undetermined and must be clarified. So, the current work was carried on 120 men. Their ages ranged between 32-64 years with a mean value 59±9.5, They were classified into 6 groups ;control, obese, hypertensive, uncontrolled, controlled diabetics and smokers. The results of this work showed that plasma C-peptide and insulin were significantly increased in obese, uncontrolled and controlled diabetic groups (p<0.05) compared with the control group. Moreover, plasma insulin was significantly increased in, hypertensive group compared with the control group(p<0.005) .In addition, plasma ET-1 was significantly increased in all risky groups compared with the control group (p<0.05). Comparative study of controlled versus uncontrolled diabetic group, plasma C-peptide, insulin and ET-1 were all significantly decreased(P1<0.05).On the otherhand , correlation study showed that; plasma insulin was significantly positive correlated with plasma ET-1 in obese (r=0.514 p<0.05), hypertensive (r=0.555 p<0.05), uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (r=0.510 p<0.05) and controlled diabetes mellitus groups (r= 0,496 p<0.05) while nonsignificantly positive correlated with ET-1 in smoking group. We could conclude that, hyperinsulinemia will sign a danger signal for the increase of plasma ET-1 and subsequent endothelial dysfunction in all risky subjects . So, they are more prone to ischemic heart disease . However, further study was needed using ET-1 antagonists on its receptors which may be of help to abolish or at least to minimize its pathophysiological effects on blood vessels. This is may be benefit for clinical intervention

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