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Dr. Aya mohsen ahmed mashhour :: Publications:

Structural Foundations of Organic Decorative Designs as an Approach for Teaching Design -Based on Cognitive Theory
Authors: Aya Mashhour
Year: 2023
Keywords: Structural foundations - Decorative designs- Organic form Cognitive Theory
Journal: Research Journal in Art education and arts
Volume: 24
Issue: 2
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The structural foundations govern the assembly of elements within the design, as the design is not limited to shapes, elements, features, and significance. But also, their visual appearance is related to the organization of these elements utilizing the format method in building fine and structural relationships that achieve aesthetic values for the core, by organizing all its constituent elements in a way that earns it the general unity to achieve aesthetic and artistic values that give the form its distinctive identity. Perhaps the most important characteristic of the design of organic forms is their spontaneity and the possibility of access to designs with a complex design structure, innovative and contemporary aesthetic formations. As organic forms are an inexhaustible source through which the designer can reach new designs, functional, aesthetic and format solutions. From this standpoint, the current research is based on a proposal for a design program to take advantage of the structural foundations of the organic form, which is a source of inspiration for the designer as an input to teaching design utilizing the structural foundations for making contemporary decorative designs and shedding light on the aesthetics of the structure of the organic form in decorative design. With the aim of developing the capabilities of the student who is inspired to create, innovate, and to develop their skills in using inking technology and making innovative applications to provide a proposed design program that can be applied and developed to expand students' design skills.

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