This investigation presents an electromechanically coupled non-incremental nite element formulation of
large deformation piezo-laminated structures. It concerns a way to generate new nite element in the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) for laminated composite rectangular plates. This formulation utilizes the assumption that the bonds between the laminae are innitesimally thin and shear nondeformable. Using the expressions for the kinetic and strain energies, the mass matrix and the elastic forces
are identied. In the ANCF, the nodal coordinates consist of absolute position coordinates and gradients
that can be used to dene a unique rotation and deformation elds within the element. As a result, the cross
section is allowed to deform and it is no longer treated as a rigid surface and therefore, leads to a new set
of modes referred as the ANCF-coupled deformation modes. In this paper, the ANCF-coupled deformation
modes are identied and eliminated in such a way to achieve the continuity of the remaining gradients at the
nodal points, and obtain a formulation that automatically satises the principle of work and energy. Convergence and accuracy of the nite element ANCF-Piezo-Laminated-Plate is demonstrated in geometrically
nonlinear static and dynamic test problems, as well as in linear analysis of natural frequencies. The computer implementation and several numerical examples are presented in order to demonstrate the use of the
formulation developed in this paper. A comparison with the commercial nite element package COMSOL
MULTIPHYSICS [5] is carried out with a good agreement |