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Prof. Ayman ahmed abd elhamid shdid :: Publications:

Is Late Preparation with Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRh) Agonist Injection on Day-1 of Hormonal Replacement Cycle improves pregnancy rate after Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfer?
Authors: Hesham M. Abo Ragab MD, Ayman A. Shedid MD
Year: 2018
Keywords: PCOS infertility, GnRH agonist, Time of injection, Clinical pregnancy rate
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ayman ahmed abd elhamid shdid_Timing of injection of Gnrh in ivf.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Objectives: To evaluate effect of changing time of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) injection on outcome of infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and scheduled for HRT frozen embryo transfer (HRT-FET) cycles. Patients & Methods: Out of PCOS women who underwent ICSI and embryo cryopreservation, to guard against ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, 164 women underwent HRT-FET. These women were randomly divided according to timing of GnRH-a triptoreline (Decapeptyl depot; 3.75 mg) subcutaneous injection into Control received injection on day-21 of menstrual cycle preceding ET cycle or Study women received injection of day-1 of menses of ET cycle. All women received estradiol valerate (2 mg/day) on day-2 of menses of ET cycle with incremental increase till endometrial thickness was 8 mm. Intravaginal progesterone was given for 2-days before ET and continued thereafter. Chemical pregnancy was diagnosed 14 day after ET and clinical pregnancy was assured by TVU 2-weeks later. In case of pregnancy, progesterone was continued till week 10. Study outcomes included the clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) and the 12-wk pregnancy loss rate. Results: Collectively, 90 women got pregnant for a CPR of 54.9% per woman; 35 control and 55 study women for CPR of 42.7% versus 67.1% per woman with a significantly higher CPR per woman (p=0.00013) in study group. The 12-wk pregnancy loss rate was non-significantly (p=0.647) higher among control women. The frequency of women completed their 12-wk follow-up without actual or threatened abortion was significantly (p=0.005) higher in study group. Conclusion: Injecting depot GnRH-a with HRT is appropriate protocol for FET in infertile PCOS women with irregular menstruation, giving collective CPR of 54.9%. Injection of depot GnRH-a on day-1 of menses of transfer cycle improved outcome and increased the CPR by >50% than injection on day-21 of previous menses.

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