M. A. Abdou*, A. A. Youssef, S. A. Eissa, M. F. Negm, A. B. Hamdy,
A. G. EL-Gazzar, A. H. Al-Aarag and F. EL Debeky**
Departments of chest diseases - Cairo * and Benha Faculties of Medicine
** Biochemistry Department - Benha Faculty of Medicine.
This work was performed to study the serum calcium and phosphorus in patients with obstructive airway diseases. This study included 50 asthmatic patients (reversible airway obstruction) and 50 patients with COPD (irreversible airway obstruction), in addition to 20 normal healthy non smoker subjects as a control group the only obvious change was the hypocalcemia in both the asthmatic group and COPD group but the underlying cause may be different. This hypocalcemia was not due to or causing any change in the serum phosphorus concentration, also not due to the steroid therapy which may be used in the management of these diseases. The resultant hypocalcemia was not affected either by type of asthma (in asthmatic group) or by the degree of airway obstruction expressed as FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC% and FEF25-75%. An assay of hormones that control calcium and phosphorus homeostasis together with correlation with the changes in acid-base and blood gases parameters that observed in these patients is recommended.
Tanta Med. J.