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Prof. Azaa Saad Ahmed El ghareb :: Publications:

Soil-transmitted parasites particularly Toxocara eggs in Egypt
Authors: Not Available
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Journal of Egyptian Society of parasitology
Volume: 39
Issue: 1
Pages: 151-162
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) remain a major threat to the human health throughout the world, mostly in developing nations. Soil is usually contami-nated by different parasitic stages through promiscuous defecation of man par-ticularly children. This is more liable to occur in fields, public gardens and sides of streets or canals. Also, feces of domestic and wild animals & birds play a role in soil contamination. This study was conducted at Mansoura city and Eatra village & El-Minia city and Zohra village representing the urban and rural areas of Dakahlia (iovernoratc, Lower Egypt and Minia Governorate, Upper respectively. The most common helminthic stage presents in the soil o?'the two Governorates was Toxocara eggs. No ova was detected in-door yards in the urban areas, bill. only in the sides of streets, -crop fields and fruit gardens, around houses and canal banks of both Governorates, and the highest intensity was 13-19 eggs/ 10 gm soil at canal banks Zahra village, El-Minia Governorate, Upper Egypt.

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