This study was designed to evaluate the volumetric reduction and the
histologic changes of the soft palate after coblation (cold ablation) technology in
experimental animals. Sixty male rabbits were included in the study divided into 3
groups : group (A), group(B) and group(C). Each group included 10 control and 10
study animals. Exposure of the soft palate to coblation was done in study animals of
the 3 groups submucosaly at 3 sites, one at midportion and 2 at lateral sides of the soft
palate for one minute duration in each site. The control animals of the 3 groups were
left without any interference. The animals of group A, B and C were studied 1 month,
2 months and 3 months respectively. The soft palate of each rabbit was dissected and
volume was calculated. Specimens of soft palate of both control and study animals
were examined by electron microscopic study. Died animals were excluded from this
study. The comparison of the mean volume of soft palate in the study groups showed
gradual increased reduction with time as it was more after 3 months (group C) than 2
months (group B) and 1 month (group A). This result was confirmed by electron
microscopic study as there was an increase in the amount of collagen fibers in the
subepithelial layer gradually in study groups which was mild, moderate and marked in
group A, B and C respectively. Cytoplasmic vacuoles were detected more in the
epithelial layer of study group (A) than group (B) this means degenerative changes
which is reversible as it was decreased by time and disappeared in group (C). There is
no effect on the mucosal glands of the epithelium or underlying muscles. The only
histological difference between study and control groups was the increased amount of
collagen fibers in the subepithelial layer.
Coblation technology could be considered an effective technology for the
reduction of the size of soft palate. It is safe , not painful and not invasive as it
maintain the normal histology of the soft palate. |