Anterior perforations , subtotal and total perforations of the ear drum as
well as drum retractions constitute difficult cases for surgical treatment.
Many materials such as temporal muscle fascia, vein, periostium,
perichondrium and dura matter have been used as grafts in ear drum
reconstruction but all of them are difficult to be applied , after some
time they become thin and atrophic and due to lack of elasticity and
resistance to pressure changes in the external ear canal, secondary
perforations may also develop . cartilage grafts are used in
tympanoplasty for long time either in palisade or inlay techniques with
encouraging results
This study aimed to introduce a new technique using composite cartilage
perichondrium graft for total replacement of the drum in cases of anterior or
total drum perforations and in cases of 3rd and 4th degree retraction pockets.
Study design : This procedure is applied to 30 patients with chronic otitis
media attending ENT department in Benha University Hospital and Sharora
GH,from november 2003 to march 2006. Of these 30 ears,seven with near
total perforation , eight patients with anterior perforation involving more than
50% of the drum and fivteen patients with retaction pockets grade 3 or 4
according to Sadee classification . |