lllt()xin.~ lire Fungal metabolites commonlyfound as Toxic contaminants l?ffoo(/
commodities. They are produced by several species ofAspergillus fllll'us moulds when
growing under conditions ofhigh temperature and higlt relative humidity and contain a
group II highly toxic secondary mould metabolites which have been, ident!fied as potent
hepatocarcinogens. The present study was aimed to estimate urine level (~rAflatoxin Rl
in school children (~rti~{rerel1t socioeconomic stant/artis. For thi,~ p"rpore, 1fJlJ ofappltrently healthy school chil{lren were enrolled in this study, 54 females (28 from low
socioeconomic standard lel'el and 26 from high socioeconomic standard level) and 46
males (21 from low socioeconomic standard and 25from high socioeconomic standard
leve!), the age (?f the study grollp ranging from 6-16 years diJ'ided into 2 groups, less
than 9 years (27) and more than 9 years (73), urine samples were submitted To extraclion Ihen dea" lip ,ui"g column drromatogrllplty followcll by Ilril'aliZllt;on lind HPLC
determination ofAflatoxinB1
Result,,,: Total number ofcontaminated samples was 36 with a percent qfcontami·
nation (l36%. Tn the female group it HlQ.'; 31.4% while in the male group it was 413%
which was higher. From socioeconomic view, percent ofcontamination was 23.5% and
49% in /righ and low socioeconomic standard gnmp." respect;'le~,," Tn tlte KrollP Ie...... than
9 yC'llr.~, l'('r(,(,111 (d'('olliamillal;o" Wll." 29.6'?il while il HIll." 38.4'!.'" ill tlte grollp more IluIII
9 years. So percent (l contamination increase,,, in males tI,an female.", in low socilieconomic standard thtln high anti in the {Ige grollp more than 9 year.". TI,i." .vtlldy can
conclude that school age children in Egypt in under potential risl, of exposure to
AFB1wltich threaten their liver health status by away or the other, the e.r:tent qf the
problem in fwt well defi"edl",t tlte IWZllrtl" tire mOil,!'. |