The present study aimed to detect and evaluate anti p53 Ab in patients newly diagnosed lung cancer and its relation to histological type. stage ofthe disease and response to therapy. For this purpose. 48 lung cancer patients at first presentation. 15 patients proven to have pulmonary disease other than lung cancer and 10 apparently healthy subjects were selected for this study. Ten patients from lung cancer group were followed up after treatment. EUSA procedure was used to detect serum anti p53 antibodies in aU subjects .Results:There was statistically insignificant difference between cases with positive and negative anti p53 as
I regards the mean age and sex. Also percentage ofpositive anti p53 Ab cases in smokers and those accompanied with pleural effusion were significantly higher than in non smokers and those with no pleural eifusion . It wasfound that 27% oflung cancer pattents in this study were anti p53 Ab positive with no cell type difference. as there was no statistical significant difference between dtfferent histopathological types as regards the
positivity ofanti p53 (25% squamous cell carcinoma. 20 % adenocarcinoma .33.3% large cell carcinoma and 25% small cell carcinoma) nor regarding the disease stage. Anti p53 Ab was never detected in association with pulmonary diseases other than carcinoma or in control sera . Ten patients (3 positive Jor anti p53 and 7 negative) were randomly selected where anti p53 was repeated after 6 months ojchemotherapy that led to either partial or complete remission ofdisease .one ofthem became negative. the other two positive cases showed reduced titer. in already 7 neg41 |