The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate serum inhibin A as a marker for diagnosis and short termfollow up ofmolar pregnancy, and to compare the results with {J-hCG, Methods: Serum fnhibin A andfJ-hCG were assayed in a)Ten women with molar pregnancies before and hvo weeks after eVOClIation.b)Twenty healthy pregnant women. c) Fifteen healthy non pregnant women, Results: WiJl1lel1 with hydatidiform mole had significantly higher semm levels of inhibin A (P < 0,01) than healthy pregnant women, 9fold than the 95% confidence interval o.lcontrol values, without any considerable overlap with values found in normal pregnant conllVis, Two weeks (lfter evacuation, the levels olil1hibin A declined significantly to the levels ofnon pregnant controls,Molar {J-hCG concentratiolls were significantly higher than in normal pregnancy (P < (1.05), bUI some values within the 95% confidence interval ofnormal values, Despite a significant decrease (P < O,Oj) after evacuation, fJ-hCG levels were still higher than ill non pregnant women. Conclusion: The present data strongly suggest that serum inhibin A measurement may be olbetter IIOlue in diagnosis and shortte/'l/1follow lip ofmolar pregnancy than {J-hCG, |