To study HeV genotype in Egyptian patients qnd its relation to disease type and complications. sixty patients were studied in three groups, twenty in group I with no clinical or ~micalfindings. Twenty in group II with chronic active hepatitis as proved histopathologicallY. h'enty in group III with hepato-cellular carcinoma as proved histopathologically aiso. All cases were subjected to ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, AFP and auto-antibodies (ANA and .liMA) serum levels and HeV genotyping. The results of the study showed that genotYfH! 4a is the most prevalent in all groups (being 35.7%, 6/.6% and 48% in groups I, II and III respectively). From the pathological point of view, genotype 4a is the most pathological type followed by 4c & d (being 0%, 11.5% and 28% in groups 1, II and 11l respecrn·~lyi. The least pathological genotypes in the study groups were lb (being 3.6%, 7.7% and 89C in group I, II and III respectively) followed by 2a (being 4% in group Ill). The M'Or! concluded the importance ofHev genotyping for proper evaluation ofclinical status ofHe\'patiellfs. |